Provider Search

Below are the list of providers who serve Trillium Health Resources members. 

This Network Provider Directory is updated on a daily basis. The accuracy of information is based on details submitted by providers. Everyone has the right to request a printed copy of the directory to be mailed to you within five business days of requesting at no charge.  Please call Trillium Member and Recipient Services at 1-877-685-2415 for a printed copy, if you need to verify any information listed for providers, or need any assistance.  

Trillium provides NCDHHS with a copy of the electronic and paper version of the directory any time there has been a significant change in our operations that impacts the content of the directory. We also provide them with a printed copy of the directory each year.

Any providers who cannot receive payment from Trillium will not show up in the provider directory.  Providers should go to NCTracks to update their profile for any corrections. Trillium updates provider information within ten days of receiving changes.

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Note: Every provider is required to make translators available.

Accepting New Patients

Has Cultural Competency Training

Clinician Gender

Primary Care Provider

Tailored Care Management

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Disclaimer: This Network Provider Directory is updated on a daily basis. The accuracy of information is based on details submitted by providers.